#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Powell ## Media ### Title panorama_08CE4C88_07A0_814B_418D_0F5A39F626E6.label = Room4Orchestra panorama_1649FA9C_074A_8548_4190_E553AB73BA62.label = Room3Art panorama_2C35B662_20AE_FEC4_4184_C8A085B1A444.label = Room2WorldPeace panorama_F5624E84_FDF9_616B_41D9_6DD9BC56B21C.label = Room1Lobby photo_138D0521_07E0_837D_414B_7C19D9142930.label = 4d Wish Well Plate Link photo_148ED2DD_07E1_86C5_419B_39DAE338C230.label = Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 1.36.34 PM photo_153D8EE3_07E1_BEFD_418C_E907F92CA723.label = 4a Instrument Link photo_1E52FA04_03DF_75D1_4186_06BED5BF3A73.label = 2a Table game Link photo_C041BC66_E3F3_F707_41DB_570AAA5053F2.label = 3b Marbles Jar Link 2 photo_C22FE773_E3F4_311D_41EA_6AB1636CA5F8.label = 2c Catapult Link photo_C4CB0A74_E3FC_331B_41DE_F3BCB9A3B0A4.label = 3a Materials Bin Link photo_C50CFB66_E3F4_5107_41E5_2F45B0F468F9.label = 3b Marbles Jar Link 1 photo_C70CD28C_E38C_530B_41D0_860999A82661.label = 3c Playworks T-shirt Link photo_F7396480_E2B4_57FB_41E1_D931E5A3F0AB.label = 1b Play Table Game Link 2 photo_F756BCD8_E2BC_770B_41E8_59B87FDC76DD.label = 1a Wooden Dice Link photo_FC696FF3_E394_311D_41EB_2F9991E6A93B.label = 2b WPG Table Link video_E870C6EE_E294_3306_41A0_D31D785F6F77.label = IMG_1808 video_E90C23AE_E294_3107_41C2_B2FB8E5EF702.label = IMG_1798 video_F7467601_E28C_52FD_419F_A06CC1D2460D.label = Powell 1C parachute ## Popup ### Body htmlText_0D5D1A55_02B2_9203_4176_E6272E538F9C.html =
Our theme encompasses pedagogy that completely transforms the way all curricular areas are taught and approached. In all subjects and disciplines across the school, elements of play are embedded into the curricula and students are given opportunities to create meaning through play, negotiation, communication and risk-taking.
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Playworks is a national nonprofit that supports learning and physical health by providing safe and inclusive play. Playworks helps our students stay active and build valuable social and emotional skills through play during daily recess and class game time. Students develop a sense of fairness, confidence, and pathways of constructive communication with their peers, which serves to build resilience and empathy within our student community.
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At Powell Center for Play and Ingenuity Magnet Elementary School, we believe that all students are uniquely capable and deserve to be challenged through rigorous, inventive, and meaningful learning every day.
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Marbles is a nickname for brains. At Marbles Kids Museum, kids are encouraged to use their marbles - learning new things through imagination, discovery and play.” Through our partnership with Marbles Kids Museum, we offer the “Powell Ingenuity Play Coaches Program,” School-wide field trip days and whole school family Playdates at Marbles Kids Museum. These opportunities inspire imagination, discovery and learning and encourage the development of skills such as problem solving, communication, innovation and collaboration outside the walls of Powell too.
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Our goal is to embrace and build each child’s innate ingenuity which we accomplish through differentiated instruction, game-like learning, academic enrichment, and in-depth study across all curricular areas within Core, Domains and Electives.
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We build a culture of ingenuity that allows students to grow in their abilities to be clever, inventive and resourceful thinkers. Our learners are stakeholders in their education journey, mastering content while creatively exploring, playing, producing, synthesizing and evaluating information in Core classes, Domains, Electives & co-curricular activities.
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All teachers are attentive to students’ emotional states, guiding them in managing their emotions, and arranging for supports and interventions when necessary. All staff incorporate researched brain-based strategies from Conscious Discipline into their management and daily activities to increase positive student interactions and engagement regardless of their cultural differences. We conduct daily morning meetings building socio-emotional competencies, helping students become culturally self-aware and look beneath the surface when interacting with others. As students study the people they interact with on a daily basis, they learn to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences of others.
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We create a Collaborative School wide Nutcracker Performance each year. Our advanced band and orchestra students come together to form a symphonic orchestra which plays live music for our actors and dancers to perform our version of the Nutcracker, our visual arts students create back grounds and displays for the performance.
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Our Play and Ingenuity Magnet Theme fashions a vibrant learning space that prepares students to become lifelong learners who are creative, innovative and artistic problem solvers, exhibiting ingenuity in all they do.
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Each year we create a “One Book, One School, One Community” project that is a unifying school-wide literacy experience. The entire school collaborates and studies one book (i.e., 2019-20 Give Bees A Chance) gaining an in-depth appreciation for the chosen text. We provide every Powell family with a copy of the book to keep at home. The book is selected through a school-based committee comprised of staff and parents and is shared and integrated within Domains in order to promote ongoing diverse, multicultural interactions and understanding. The OBOSOC program culminates with a school-wide event that provides creative avenues for our diverse student body to share their ingenuity and express their interpretations of the text through games, technology, dance, music, art and projects based on the story’s theme.
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A critical piece of success for any learner in today’s dynamic and changing educational landscape is the opportunity to control his or her own learning by having choice in their learning experiences. Students at Powell have the ability to choose two multi-aged Domains and up to eight different Electives each year. Our Domains are themed, multi-aged, cross-curricular and multidisciplinary courses which are designed to ensure students are learner agents moving fluidly between collaborative groupings, finding peers with similar projects and goals. Electives at Powell provide opportunities for acceleration, enrichment and in-depth study in specific artistic areas.
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World Peace Game is played in over 40 different countries, Powell is the only school in NC to play this game! Students take on roles of presidents, tribal leaders, diplomats, and military commanders. They learn the importance of valuing diversity: accepting and respecting others, as they work through battles, negotiations, and ethical dilemmas to resolve a sequence of many interconnected crises in the pursuit of World Peace.
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Powell staff collaborates with our full time Play Integration Specialist to present open-ended design challenges & projects that allow students the chance to showcase their learning by utilizing their own ingenuity. The Integration of play and game-like learning enhances the ability for all students to master their learning through a model that fosters anticipation, perseverance, and experimentation.