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A sensory path is a series of guided movements for students to follow to increase gross motor skills as well as work off excess energy - to get their wiggles out and focus on learning. Throughout the day, students are given “brain breaks” to re-focus their energy and prepare for learning. In addition, Green students have access to two school counselors who regularly check in with students and hold whole group and small group lessons. Increasing the number of counselors has also increased the number of meaningful relationships that are formed in and out of the classroom.
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At Green, parents choose if their child will take Mandarin Chinese or Spanish. Students attend one of these world language classes daily for 30 minutes. Students begin their chosen language in Kindergarten and continue language learning through 5th grade. The goal of the language program is to provide consistent language instruction so students learn to read, write and communicate in their chosen language upon leaving Green.
Learning Mandarin Chinese or Spanish allows students to connect with people from around the world, increases future employment opportunities, and opens opportunities for authentic conversations while traveling and studying abroad.
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At the start of each school day, all students gather together in their classrooms for a morning meeting. This is a time for teachers to check in with students as well as integrate leadership and character building. Green takes pride in how teachers meet students where they are emotionally and academically to help them grow throughout the year. Our teachers provide this instruction through a scaffolded mode; whole group lessons to introduce a concept and then small groups to reinforce the learning. Students participate in Art, Music, Media, Leadership, Science Enrichment and Physical Education specials on a rotating schedule and engage in a world language class daily.
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English Language Arts (ELA) instruction at Green follows the Expeditionary Learning (EL) Education curriculum K-5. At Green, we implement all aspects of EL in all grade levels in order to have continuity from one grade to the next. The EL curriculum supports both of our magnet themes of leadership and world language and engages our students in fun and rigorous learning. The EL modules promote our multicultural focus by exposing students to learning about a variety of different cultures. Each quarter, students find their voices as they engage in an end-of-module performance task which they share with classmates and family members.
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Green Leadership and World Languages Magnet Elementary embraces the mindset that all students can learn and have earned the right to be leaders. Our diverse and culturally rich campus is teeming with opportunities for students to demonstrate their leadership skills as well as participate in a global community through their learning of a world language. Students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and lead, as well as open their minds to ideas and traditions of different cultures. Our magnet theme facilitates learning about the world and equips students to be active, productive, and successful leading citizens in a global society.
Visit https://www.wcpss.net/greenes to learn more.
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Green offers students daily world language learning. Language classes combine direct instruction, group collaboration and digital learning to develop language fluency and to cultivate an understanding, respect, and appreciation of different cultures. Each day students practice using either Spanish or Mandarin and apply new vocabulary. Engaging our young learners in language learning supports their academic growth by improving memory, listening ability, and critical thinking.
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Having a spot for reflection and metacognition is a wonderful asset to all Green classrooms. All classrooms have a “calm down corner” or “calm down spot” where students can go if they need help self regulating. These spots/emotional zones are filled with sensory materials and give students a short break before having a conversation with others to restore relationships with peers. Students practice social emotional learning at school and apply these skills at home and other places outside of school.
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In Mandarin class, the teacher will help students to develop communicative competence in the basic four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and Chinese culture. Students will focus on some basic and useful topics such as basic greetings, color words, family words, calendar words, numbers, food words etc. Our Mandarin teacher lets the students explore with Chinese characters they will learn in later classes in middle and high school.
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Leadership opportunities are embedded in the classroom and throughout the school. Students brainstorm with their teachers to think of roles that would benefit their classrooms, such as a sanitation engineer, health and safety officer and technology expert. Students feel responsibility, purpose, and connection when they put leadership skills into practice. School-wide leadership roles include safety patrol, flag patrol and a student lighthouse team. These real-world leadership roles help students to build confidence while also develops time management, decision making and public speaking skills.
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Learning about culture is essential when studying languages. The 30 minutes of daily language instruction provides time to introduce students to art, literature, foods, and traditions of the culture. This helps students understand the context of the language they are learning and helps students to reach language proficiency.
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Learning activities match the language level of the students and foster language comprehension and production skills. In Kindergarten, students learn high-frequency words and useful expressions through songs and games. As students progress through grade levels, the tasks become more complex, requiring students to stretch their language skill development.
For upper grade students, language learning becomes more meaningful as students apply their language skills in role-plays, oral presentations, and while reading authentic materials in Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.
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Our school delivers curriculum through a leadership lens. We teach the 7 Habits of Stephen Covey in a kid-friendly language to all students and integrate it into all learning. These habits become a part of our culture as well as our community. In December of 2020, our school was certified and named as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School by FranklinCovey Education. By implementing the Leader in Me process with fidelity and excellence,our school has produced outstanding results.
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Students in the Spanish and Mandarin classes have the opportunity to connect with the language and culture of the language they are learning. Many of our students are exposed to different languages and cultures daily from their peers as well as their teachers. In all world language classes, students learn about and celebrate various holidays and traditions. Students research, create and share cultural learning projects with their families, peers and the community.
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Students practice their Mandarin language skills by reading books in Chinese. Students learn to read in Mandarin by using patterned texts similar to how they learn to read in English. Listen as a 4th grader practices his Mandarin reading of My First Chinese Words.
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We, at Green Leadership and World Languages Magnet Elementary School, are proud to have been a Leader in Me School since 2013.
Leadership is a part of the culture. Our Habit tree, representing the 7 Habits, is front and center for all to see in our lobby as well as in the classroom. Students learn about and engage with the habits through direct lessons and through Habit integration into core curriculum.
Leader in Me Website
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World Language teachers build a culture that mimics that of the core classroom. Leadership Habits and Zones of Regulation are incorporated into the daily instruction and routines in all language classes.
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