#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Centennial Middle School ## Media ### Title panorama_118F8AA4_07B9_17BF_414E_91A0EDF57F04.label = Main Hall panorama_16F41E44_0779_7694_417C_F8A13803CAED.label = Circle panorama_A1338F20_AAA4_9E78_41DD_F7087D82A5CD.label = Den panorama_B3600C35_BFA0_405D_41AA_5258BEF9A702.label = Centennial Exterior photo_17DF36D9_0769_17BF_4162_658038BB94F0.label = 1c LeadLiftRise photo_A1F289F4_B3E1_BAD0_41AA_B4AA8ABE42B1.label = 4b IMG_7847 photo_A6ACE955_B421_BBD0_41D2_44F9FAD75659.label = 1a Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 7.07.41 PM video_1F6F2164_07E1_83FB_4174_6742448D2CF5.label = WLU Sample video_A5659444_AAEC_E238_41D8_8537021A9F1B.label = 2b Hello video_B3B121E7_AAA4_E5C7_41DA_336767BE349F.label = 3b Leadership Update Sample video_E25FFD2C_F8BE_FD7C_41E0_237F1E2924D6.label = Centennial 2c front of building with students tl-v2 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_11BE6D88_07B9_1277_417E_05A223DAA733.html =
Leadership is the second piece of our magnet theme. Utilizing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we grow students in their leadership potential. We believe each student has a set of gifts they share with the world. The 7 Habits are a way of cultivating life-long skills that enhance these gifts. The Habits are modeled throughout the student's school day in their core and elective classes.
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As part of our dual magnet theme, University Connections provides students with opportunities that enhance their personal and academic experience. We enjoy getting our feet onto university and college campuses as well as inviting these professionals into our building.
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Leadership is the second piece of our magnet theme. Utilizing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we grow students in their leadership potential. We believe each student has a set of gifts they share with the world. The 7 Habits are a way of cultivating life-long skills that enhance these gifts. The Habits are modeled throughout the student's school day in their core and elective classes.
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An extension of our classrooms, the window sills offer a different space for working and learning. We utilize all of our unique physical spaces to engage students in the learning experience.
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Connecting as a community is an important part of our school's culture. As leaders, we learn to listen to and value the differences others bring, in addition to sharing about ourselves and what we bring.
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Student Voice- As leaders, we build skills in our students to use their voice but also listen to the voices of others. Creating time in the day to intentionally build these skills helps our community feel more safe and connected.
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A time built into the day to focus on building skills that make successful students. The 7 Habits are taught through direct leadership lessons and students work to create Wildly Important Goals to track their progress in and outside of school.
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Centennial Campus is a middle school model. Each grade level, which we call a house, has teams of core teachers who work together to support the student and their families throughout the school year.
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Students come from all across the district. We have express busing for some, neighborhood for others. Recognizing that our students do join our school from such a wide variety of elementary schools, we lean on our magnet themes of leadership and University Connections to provide opportunities for our students to begin to feel a part of this space of learning and know those around them that they are learning with.
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Our partnership with the Friday Institute of Educational Innovation supports both students and staff. Students engage in educational learning opportunities that enhance their learning experience. Staff receive professional development and partners who support their content.
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Flexible seating is utilized in this space for an optimal learning environment based on the need of the group or individual.
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While all schools have a front door, we find this a unique spot that points to the fact that ALL students enter here. We believe that building a community of learners begins from the moment our students step onto our campus and walks into this space of learning. Our staff are ready to greet our students, connect with them and help them throughout their day of learning. This is a commitment that all staff make.
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Our building was designed for collaboration with these large areas in the middle of each house, or grade level area. Whole classes, groups of students and individuals come together to learn and work in this space. The Den works as an extension of the classroom and is a perfect spot for NCSU students to work with CCMMS students.
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Centennial Campus is a middle school model. Each grade level, which we call a house, has teams of core teachers who work together to support the student and their families throughout the school year.
### Title window_A38A1D2E_B3E6_BB70_41E5_0B9E895B5B97.title = Welcome to the House