Tag: Student resiliency

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Published Document Title Authors Pages Abstract
October 2018 The Development of Students’ Engagement in School, Community and Democracy Gibson-Davis, Christina
Hill, Darryl
Hillygus, Sunshine
Holbein, John
Lenard, Matthew

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This article explores the origins of youth engagement in school, community and democracy. Specifically, it considers the role of psychosocial or non-cognitive abilities, like grit or perseverance. Using a novel original large-scale longitudinal survey of students linked to school administrative records and a variety of modeling techniques – including sibling, twin and individual fixed effects – the study finds that psychosocial abilities are a strong predictor of youth civic engagement. Gritty students miss less class time and are more engaged in their schools, are more politically efficacious, are more likely to intend to vote when they become eligible, and volunteer more. Our work highlights the value of psychosocial attributes in the political socialization of young people.

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November 2010 An Evaluation Of The Wake County Public School System Alternative Educational Options Rhea, Anisa

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) alternative educational options. The WCPSS options are similar to those in other North Carolina districts. WCPSS student outcomes based on state assessments and federal standards are also equivalent or higher than other districts, although the capacity for WCPSS students served at each alternative setting is generally lower. Students at WCPSS alternative schools receive benefits such as smaller classes and greater access to counseling services. Student data also indicate that these environments help build student resiliency. Base school personnel understand some aspects of the alternative schools, but greater transparency is needed, especially at the high school level. Additional alternative education sites are needed to better meet the needs of at-risk elementary students. Comprehensive services and settings for long-term suspended students and students with severe behavioral issues who are ineligible for special education services should also be created.

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