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Published | Document Title | Authors | Pages | Abstract |
March 2015 | Limited English Proficient Students: Progress of Kindergarten Cohorts |
Baenen, Nancy Huebeler, Amy |
60 | View Abstract |
We examined the progress of kindergarteners who entered the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) in 2008-09 and in 2010-11 who were identified as limited in English proficiency (LEP). For the 2008-09 cohort, English proficiency increased steadily over time. Few were able to exit LEP status in their first three years in WCPSS (10.5%); this jumped to 44.5% after four years. Retention rates were higher than for other subgroups, but declined from kindergarten to grade 3. Proficiency on the grade 3 Reading End of Grade (EOG) exam for the full LEP cohort was below that of WCPSS (50.4% vs. 69.6%). Those who exited LEP status before grade 3 had higher proficiency than the district on the EOG, and those exiting in grade 3 came close to district proficiency percentages. Patterns were similar for the 2010-11 cohort. A qualitative comparison of schools with the most and least success in improving literacy between kindergarten and second grade revealed the more successful schools served fewer LEP students, had fewer ESL teachers, and had traditional or modified calendars. They tended to provide more time for ESL instruction to newcomers and transitional students, had greater collaboration between ESL and classroom teachers, promoted community involvement more proactively, and exposed LEP students to more grade level materials (higher expectations). |
January 2013 | 2011-12 District Improvement Initiatives Evaluation |
Bulgakov-Cooke, Dina |
85 | View Abstract |
Seven District Improvement initiatives were implemented in 2011-12 in WCPSS. All were well designed and coordinated, with common goal setting processes and use of common monitoring tools. All initiatives either met or partially met 2011-12 goals. Some were more successful in showing student outcomes, with the most positive initiatives being elementary mathematics and adolescent literacy. These results should be used to influence future decisions about continuation or strengthening of these efforts. New components that were well received and implemented by those trained (but which did not have achievement results as yet) should also be considered for future funding. |
December 2011 | District Improvement Outcomes: 2010-11 |
Paeplow, Colleen |
38 | View Abstract |
In 2010-11, Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) was in district-wide improvement as a result of failing to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in mathematics at the district level for the second consecutive year. This report examines overall student outcomes in 2010-11 as well as overall teacher outcomes and longitudinal results for schools targeted for three consecutive years of SIOP® training and support compared to matched schools who were not involved. SIOP® schools had a greater increase in students reaching growth targets than in the district overall. Increases in reading and mathematics proficiency at SIOP® elementary schools and reading at SIOP® middle schools were similar or slightly higher than for WCPSS. Overall mathematics results were not positive for SIOP® middle schools; however, matched school analysis by subject and school level found targeted student subgroups (i.e., Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American, Limited English Proficient, and economically disadvantaged) did benefit from attending SIOP® targeted schools. 2010-11 represented the first year of implementation of the Secondary Literacy and Secondary Mathematics Initiatives. The demographic similarity of schools implementing Secondary Mathematics with WCPSS coupled with the weak results indicates, as with Secondary Literacy, the results of this initiative could be strengthened by more selective process of targeting schools to receive training. |
December 2011 | WCPSS District Improvement Implementation 2010-11 |
Baenen, Nancy Bulgakov-Cooke, Dina |
94 | View Abstract |
Instructional strategies aimed at improving achievement of low performing student subgroups in need of support were selected by the District Improvement Advisory Committee, so that WCPSS could exit District Improvement status. Impact of each initiative, which often included teacher training and coaching is examined in this implementation report. Recommendations are made including setting strategic goals and systematically monitoring implementation; targeting schools or teachers with high numbers of AYP groups of students in need of support; being intentional in coaching efforts and structuring coaching models based on the SIOP® experience; building ownership and commitment at the school level; and coordinating new and existing efforts to optimize effectiveness. |
September 2010 | WCPSS District Improvement: 2009-10 Implementation Status |
Bulgakov-Cooke, Dina |
46 | View Abstract |
In 2009-10 Wake County Public Schools System (WCPSS) exited District Improvement in reading and remained in level one for mathematics. All District Improvement efforts gained momentum. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) continued as the primary focus to meet the needs of limited English proficient (LEP) students in elementary and middle schools. The high school component was modified and addressed both literacy and mathematics. The number of trained SIOP® teachers considerably increased (from 588 in 2008-09 to 956 in 2009-10), follow-up coaching to support application of training reached more teachers, training implementation and buy-in strengthened. All SIOP® training, coaching, and implementation objectives for in 2009-10 were met or partially met. The number and use of SIOP® modified focus lessons increased substantially, but awareness could still be improved. |
May 2009 | Comprehensive List of WCPSS Programs 2008-09 |
Baenen, Nancy Lougée, Aimee |
90 | View Abstract |
WCPSS needed a consistent system for creating an inventory of programs to build capacity to evaluate all program efforts. For this inventory, "program" was defined as any planned and sustained educational effort designed to improve learning outcomes or school/classroom conditions. Overall, 29 centrally coordinated and 187 school-based programs were identified. Supports targeting academic achievement were more common than those for behavior or climate. Centrally-coordinated academic interventions at the elementary level impacted a greater number of students in literacy than in mathematics; these counts were more evenly distributed at both the middle and high school level. School-based programs tend to address literacy and mathematics at similar levels. |