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Published Document Title Authors Pages Abstract
March 2013 Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) Program: Wilburn Elementary School, Year 2 2011-12 Baenen, Nancy

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Wilburn was in its fourth year of implementing Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) in 2011-12, which is designed to attract, retain, and motivate quality teachers and increase student achievement. It was in the second year of TIF funding to provide performance pay for improved student performance. Analysis of EOG reading and math test scores for 2011-12 showed increases in student performance (where different cohorts of students are compared over time) and growth (when a student is compared to him- or herself over time). All staff earned some performance pay based on the TAP model formulas (unlike the previous year). Recommendations are to provide more ways for teachers to share their perceptions of TAP, to start observations earlier in the year, and to improve training by focusing on the application of the rubric and differentiating training (for teachers new to TAP and those with experience).

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July 2011 Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) at Wilburn Elementary School: Year 3 Evaluation Report Baenen, Nancy

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The Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) is a model for training, teacher advancement, and instructional strategies. Based on interviews and observations, the four TAP principles were implemented with fidelity during the 2010-11 school year, with one exception--teacher evaluations. Feedback was slow, and teachers had concerns about the reliability of the ratings. The impact on teachers was negative. Compared to 2009-10, reading and math proficiency improved in grades 3 and 5 in 2010-11 but not grade 4. However, compared to proficiency before TAP began, only Grade 5 had improved reading proficiency and none of the grades (3, 4, and 5) had higher proficiency in math. Grade 4 had positive trends for Academic Change (growth) in both reading and math.

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January 2011 Academy of Reading® (AoR) 2008-09 and 2009-10 Evaluation Baenen, Nancy
Lougée, Aimee

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Academy of READING (AoR) is designed to improve students' foundational reading skills; it is used in almost all Wake County Public Schools (WCPSS) secondary schools. Central staff recommended students with prior End of Grade/Course (EOG/EOC) scale scores placing them high in Level II or low in Level III have first priority for service; many students served scored below this range (second priority). Program completion rates increased from 2008-09 (26%) to 2009-10 (41%), but were still considerably lower than desired (100%). Growth for 2009-10 AoR participants on End of Grade reading/English tests was strong (with the percentage of students reaching their growth targets increasing from 37.5% before service to 60.1% afterwards). This improvement is educationally important. Program completion gave students only a slight advantage in terms of EOG growth. The program appeared to be helpful, with patterns generally favoring middle school over high school students.

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