WCPSS: A Parent's Guide to Elementary Report Cards

A Parent's Guide to Elementary Report Cards

Standards-based grading for report cards

WCPSS uses standards-based grading for report cards. The purpose of the report card is to inform students and parents about a student’s performance on the grade level standards. All elementary students receive a report at the end of each nine-week reporting period.

The elementary report card provides one way for the teacher to communicate with the student and parent about the student's success in meeting the state standards for that grade and reporting on the student's classroom behavior and work habits.

Parents may request a conference with the teacher to discuss their student’s progress and ways to support their learning in and out of school.

Student performance descriptions

Student performance is shown with levels of 1 to 4 to indicate whether the student has met the expectations set by the state in the Standard Course of Study and to indicate whether the student has the necessary skills and concepts to be successful in the next quarter or next grade. Teachers use a variety of assessments which include observations and evidence collected throughout the grading period to determine the student’s level of proficiency. The descriptors for each level have been aligned to the expectations of the new Standard Course of Study (Common Core State Standards and NC Essential Standards) for all content areas.

  • Level 4 - Exemplary
    Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period.
  • Level 3 - Proficient
    Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of the standard, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period.
  • Level 2 - Approaching Proficiency
    Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period.
  • Level 1 - Non-Proficient
    Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of the standards, concepts, and skills taught during this reporting period.

Conduct and work habits

Students will receive grades (1, 2, or 3), separate from the content area, for conduct and work habits. In reporting on conduct, the teacher can indicate whether the student meets expectations in cooperating with others, respecting others, and observing rules and procedures. In reporting on work habits, the teacher can indicate whether the student uses time wisely, listens carefully, completes assignments, writes legibly, works independently or seeks help when needed, and completes work. The following descriptors will be used:

  • 3 - meets expectations
  • 2 - inconsistently meets expectations
  • 1 - does not meet expectations


Your student will also receive a report of progress in specials (Healthful Living, Music, Visual Arts and World Language) at the end of each semester. Additional specials and/or magnet electives will be reported on a report card addendum.

Note: Due to the implementation of a new statewide electronic grading system for 2013-14, grades for specials may be delayed. You will receive information on your student's report card if this occurs. Please contact your school with any questions.