WCPSS--Board of Education
Board Agenda for the Week of 10/8/2002
OPEN SESSION - 4:00 p.m.
Chairman's Comments
Superintendent's Report
Citizens who signed up to address the board during public hearing will be called on in priority order-first for items on the agenda and then for items not on the agenda. Each individual speaker will be allowed three minutes for remarks. Issues or concerns involving personnel matters are not appropriate for this public comment setting. After 30 minutes of public hearing, any speakers remaining will be recognized at the end of the agenda for their comments.CONSENT ITEMS
September 10, 2002 - Finance CommitteeSeptember 10, 2002 - Community Relations CommitteeSeptember 18, 2002 - Facilities CommitteeFACILITIES
1.Bids: East Wake Middle - Roof ReplacementBids for the roof replacement at East Wake Middle were received on September 5, 2002. Staff and Roof Engineering, Inc., recommend award of the single-prime contract to Owens Roofing, Inc., in the amount of $610,686. Fiscal Implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $916,500, as provided in the deferred maintenance component of the PLAN 2000 School Building Program. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested. 2.Bids: Heritage Middle SchoolBids for the construction of Heritage Middle were received on September 17, 2002. Staff and Innovative Design recommend award of the general contract to R.N. Rouse & Company in the amount of $9,903,000; recommend award of the plumbing contract to Bolton Corporation in the amount of $1,131,000; recommend award of the mechanical contract to Southern Piping Company in the amount of $2,045,000; and recommend award of the electrical contract to Rayman Electrical Company in the amount of $1,301,846. The total of the low multi-prime bids is $14,380,846. The total of the low single-prime bid is $14,641,700. Fiscal Implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $22,062,401, as provided in the PLAN 2000 School Building Program. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested. 3.Bids: 2002 Relocation of Mobile Classrooms - Package "H"Bids for the 2002 Relocation of Mobile Classrooms - Package "H" were received on September 12, 2002. Staff and H.S. Annis Architect, AIA, recommend award of the single-prime contract to Beau Chene Company, LLC, in the amount of $272,000. Fiscal Implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $525,000, of which $250,240 is from the Heritage Elementary PLAN 2000 School Building Program Project and $274,760 is from the mobile relocation project in the Phase IIIB Long-Range Building Program. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested. 4.Design Consultant Agreement - Enloe High East Building RenovationThe approved PLAN 2000 School Building Program includes the east building renovation at Enloe High. Negotiations have been completed with Brown Jurkowski Architectural Collaborative for the design of this project. The form of agreement is the standard form approved by the board attorney. Fiscal implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $9,071,972, as provided in the PLAN 2000 School Building Program. The total project budget includes proposed compensation for the design consultant of $814,192. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested.5.Utility Easement: Knightdale High Construction of the new Knightdale High school required road widening along Old Knight Road and the relocation of overhead power lines by Carolina Power and Light Company. Carolina Power and Light Company required an easement 30-feet wide and approximately 150-feet in length to relocate overhead lines near the entrance to the high school project on Old Knight road. Fiscal Implications - None. Recommendation for Action - Staff requests Board approval to grant Carolina Power & Light Company an easement to relocate overhead power lines on Old Knight Road.6.Utility Easement - Phillips HighTo serve new improvements at Phillips High, Carolina Power and Light Company required an easement 30-feet wide for overhead lines and 10-feet wide for underground lines. The easement is estimated to be 720-feet in length. Fiscal Implications - None. Recommendation for Action - Staff requests Board approval to grant Carolina Power and light Company a utility easement to serve new improvements at Phillips High. 7.Utility Easement - Underwood ElementaryRenovation of the Underwood Elementary campus required additional electrical service from Carolina Power and Light Company. An easement 10-feet wide and approximately 510-feet in length is required by Carolina Power and Light Company to serve the removed campus with an underground utility line. Fiscal Implications - None. Recommendation for Action - Staff requests Board approval to grant Carolina Power and Light Company an easement to provide electrical service to Underwood Elementary.8. PLAN 2000 Proposed Revisions - Special/Optional SchoolsStaff will present scope and budget for a new K-12 special/optional school to accommodate current Longview and Bridges programs. Also presented will be a scope and budget for an addition and renovations project to convert the Longview site to a new special/optional middle school. Fiscal Implications - The attached resolutions request an allocation of $5,566,217 and a reallocation moves the $5,566,217 from PLAN 2004 start-up funds to the new K-12 special/optional school and adds $255,606 from the reduced scope of work at the Longview campus. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested.9. Construction Documents: Turner Creek Road ElementaryStaff will present the construction documents designed by Pearce Brinkley Cease & Lee PAfor Turner Creek Road Elementary. Fiscal Implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $10,662,555, as provided in the PLAN 2000 School Building Program. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested.10. Construction Documents: Highcroft Drive ElementaryStaff will present the construction documents designed by Pearce Brinkley Cease and Lee PA for Highcroft Drive Elementary. Fiscal Implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $11,152,391, as provided in the PLAN 2000 School Building Program. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested.11. Construction Documents: Wake Forest ElementaryStaff will present the construction documents designed by Pearce Brinkley Cease and Lee PA for addition and renovations to Wake Forest Elementary. Fiscal Implications - Funding is available from the total project budget of $6,735,413 from the Phase IIIB Long-Range Building Program. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested.FINANCE
1. Fund Balance Appropriation: 2002-03This is to request reallocation of the fund balance of $175,000.00 set aside and approved for the 2002-2003 Continuous Improvement Summer Conference. Funding required to cover invoices received upon conclusion of the July conference. Fiscal Implications: An appropriation of fund balance in fund 2 for $175,000.00.PROGRAM
1. Grant ProposalsCompetitive (#690): U. S. Department of Education, Alternative Strategies / Central Office. Entitlement (#691): U. S. Department of Education, Title X, McKinney Homeless Assistance Act / Central Office. Competitive (#695): Wake Education Partnership, Food For Thought / Individual schools. Competitive (#696): North Carolina's Electric Cooperatives, Bright Ideas / Wakefield Elementary. Collaborative (#697): National Science Foundation, Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education, Advanced Technological Education/Central Office collaboration with Wake Technical Community College. Collaborative (#698): National Science Foundation, Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education, Advanced Technological Education/Central Office collaboration with Wake Technical Community College. Competitive (#704): Garner Education Foundation, Signs of Success/Smith Elementary School. Competitive (#705): PP&G, Basic Aquatic Studies in the Neuse/Fuquay-Varina High School. Fiscal implications vary by grant. Board approval is requested.2. 2003-04 Year-Round CalendarThe Year-Round Calendar Committee met on September 18, 2002, to review input from parents and staff from each year-round school with regard to proposed 2003-04 multi-track year-round calendars. The committee reviewed several calendar proposals and came to consensus on the attached calendar. The committee reviewed parameters for calendar development, annual testing dates, and inclement weather make-up days and concluded that the attached calendar is most effective in meeting these needs. There are no fiscal implications. Staff recommends that the Board adopt this calendar for the 2003-04 school year.3. 2003-04 Calendar for Southeast Raleigh High School, Centennial Campus Middle, School, Moore Square Museums Magnet School, Partnership Elementary SchoolThe modified instructional calendar combines features of the traditional and year-round calendars. First semester is similar to Track 4 of the year-round calendar and second semester is similar to Track 1. The calendar provides a summer break of approximately seven weeks. Holidays for students closely match typical holidays of the traditional calendar. It is planned for this calendar to be used at Southeast Raleigh High School, Centennial Campus Middle School, Moore Square Museums Magnet Middle School, and Partnership Elementary School. There are no fiscal implications. Staff recommends that the Board adopt this calendar for the 2003-04 school year.4. Carnage Middle School Trip to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, VAThe Carnage Middle School eighth grade students are proposing a trip to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Virginia for a physics field day. The projected trip date is October 18, 2002. It is anticipated that approximately 99 students and over 20 adults will choose to participate. Forces and Motion is part of the eighth grade science curriculum. Students use algebraic functions. The anticipated student cost will be approximately $60.00 per person. Funding will be secured through various fund raising activities through amazon.com, from donations, and from funds left over from last year. Board approval is requested.POLICY
New; Second ReadingThe purpose of this new policy is to establish a consistent calculation method and schedule for developing school building capacities and school campus capacities. Based upon the proposed policy, the facilities department staff will calculate the School Building Capacity, the Annual School Campus Capacity and the Long-Range School Campus Capacity for each school and present these capacities to the board of education for approval by October 1 each year. Abbreviations for the three capacity terms have been added to the policy since the first reading on September 17, 2002. Fiscal Implications-The use of standardized building and campus capacities promotes the most effective utilization of school facilities. Recommendation for Action -Staff recommends approval of new Policy 7245 for second reading.2. POLICY 8623 - SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS
New; Second ReadingThis new policy will allow the Superintendent to settle claims up to $10,000HUMAN RESOURCES
1. Recommendations for Employment2. Recommendation for Administrative AppointmentBOARD ADVISORY COUNCIL NOMINATIONS
1. Space Standards and Capacity (10 minutes)Staff will present recommended 2002-2003 school capacity models and space standards as well as the 2002-2003 capacity totals for each school. Fiscal Implications - The use of standardized building and campus capacities promotes the most effective utilization of school facilities. Recommendation for Action - Board approval is requested.PROGRAM
1. More at Four (5 minutes)The Wake County SmartStart, in collaboration with Wake County Public School System, received a More at Four grant. This grant funds Pre-K programs for at-risk four-year-olds. We were notified on August 16, 2002, of the opportunity to expand the number of children served in this program. Staff is proposing: Two Pre-K classes for at-risk four-year-olds to be established at Lynn Road Elementary School for the 2002-03 school year. The classes are to be funded through Title I, special education, and More at Four funds. Students served will be at-risk four-year-olds with priority to children living in the Lynn Road Elementary attendance area. Funds are available through Title I and special education. Additional funding will be provided by More at Four grant. Staff recommends that the Board of Education approve the proposal to establish two classes at Lynn Road Elementary School for 2002-03 to serve at-risk four-year-olds.2. High School Scheduling (30 minutes)In October 1999, high school principals began exploring two important questions related to the future of high schools, focusing on what should every high school graduate know and be able to do and what structure/mode of organization offers the opportunities necessary to allow our schools to be the very best. A task force comprised of representatives from the high schools met this summer, reviewed the schedule options, and identified strategies to support a successful implementation of a schedule to address the issues. The Task Force recommended that schools move to a 4X4 schedule in the 2003-04 school year; that staff development and curriculum work including new pacing guides and course sequencing move forward during this year, and that schools have flexibility in developing a schedule to best meet the needs of the students. No additional funding is anticipated. It is requested that the Board of Education endorse the staff recommendation that all non-magnet high schools implement a schedule built on the 4x4 block schedule that will support increased opportunities for students.POLICY
1. REVISION OF POLICY 6300- MAINTENANCE, REVIEW AND RELEASE OF SCHOOL RECORDS (5 minutes)Revised; First Reading (waiver of Second Reading requested)1.Revision brings WCPSS student records policy in line with new federal law requiring release of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of secondary school students to military recruiters and institutions of higher education.2.Provides for annual notification of parents.3.Allows parents to request that information not be released.INFORMATION ITEMS
1. YEAR 2001-2002 LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY (10 minutes)Staff will present Year 2001-2002 Legislative summary from the North Carolina General Assembly. Fiscal Implications-None. Recommendation for Action-For information only.CLOSED SESSION
To consider confidential personnel information protected under G.S. 115C-319.ACTION ITEMS Cont'd.
Seventeen students will be recognized as Spotlight on Students award winners.HUMAN RESOURCES
1. Recommendations for Career StatusPUBLIC HEARING CONTINUATION (if needed)ADJOURNMENT
Meetings will be held in the Administration Building, 3600 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC unless otherwise indicated.